• Lead agency for NEPA
  • Conducts environmental analysis
  • Coordinates with federal, state, and local agencies and tribes
  • Oversees public outreach
  • Ensures compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations
  • Oversees preparation of EIS documentation
  • Approves or disapproves documents and federal actions
  • Prepares Record of Decision (ROD)


  • Owns and operates West Virginia International Yeager Airport (CRW)
  • Sponsor of the proposed CRW Airfield, Safety, and Terminal Improvement Project
  • Provides planning, design, and other information needed for FAA to evaluate the proposed project


A cooperating agency is “any federal agency other than a lead agency which has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental impact involved in a proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legislation or other major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment” (40 CFR § 1508.5).  Cooperating agencies can also include state agencies where federal agency decisions have been delegated or when a state agency has an environmental approval related to the federal action under environmental review. The roles and responsibilities of Cooperating Agencies include:

  • Provide input through scoping
  • Provide input into development of the Permitting Timetable
  • Review and comment on EIS materials
  • Ensure EIS and ROD address their agency requirements

Federal Agencies

US Army Corps of Engineers

US Environmental Protection Agency

State Agencies

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

West Virginia Development Office

Local Agencies

Kanawha County Parks and Recreation Commission


A participating agency is any federal, state, tribal or local agency that has an interest in an action and participates in an environmental review or authorization of the action but acts in an advisory capacity and does not exercise any decision-making authority (40 CFR § 1508.1(w)).

Federal Agencies

Federal Emergency Management Agency

National Park Service

State Agencies

West Virginia Air National Guard

West Virginia Division of Natural Resources

West Virginia State Historic Preservation Office

Local Agencies

Kanawha County Department of Planning and Development

Kanawha County Commission

City of Charleston Planning Department